Thursday, December 24, 2009


Author :- Jaymala

Information Technology has made information about some even or phenomena taking locate at some locate in the world at some time, acquirable to some person anywhere and the premise of the knowledge acquisition process has thence tremendously benefited from the advances made by the
information technology sector.

In the case of formal education, the main determining factor about the quality of education is the quality of the doctrine material, curriculum and course content.

In a conventional system, the doctrine material is designed and developed by the proficient resources acquirable in a portion academic institution or at a university.

In an e-educational scenario, the contents of various courses crapper be prepared by a realistic bank of experts. Experts from all over the world crapper participate through internet meetings and discussions.

The content created crapper be stored on servers and be made acquirable to some educational institution anywhere in the world.
The ordinal prerequisite for a beatific education system is the presence proficient teachers.

In countries like India, there is tremendous shortage of teachers particularly in far areas. The students are thus deprived of a beatific education for want of both material and teachers. The Integrated Internet Education System of e-education delivers the courses to the students directly at their door step using various tools like transmission and interactive doctrine software.

The local teacher thus has to act only as facilitator. The proficient resources of a realistic bank of experts are also acquirable to the students through the internet, E-mail, chitchat sessions,video-conferences and video phones.

In a very simple system one crapper ingest MSN messengers service or character messenger service and crapper get into a conference with the proficient teacher and instantaneously mercantilism typed messages. Student crapper ask questions and the teachers crapper send replies from their respective computers at their home.

The growth of internet has accelerated the growth of many technologies. One of them is memory storage. Compact Disk – Read Only Memory (CD-ROM) and Digital Versatile Disk (DVD) are two popular media formats utilised in the e-education system.

A large turn of data, about 640 MB crapper be stored and these auto disks and crapper be physically transported to some school. The transmission contents of these discs crapper then be presented to the students, thereby giving them the benefit of best education.

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